Silence Meditation

with Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer, LUT

Learn the simple practice of Silence Meditation to successfully establish a continuous habit of open- and closed-eye meditation, allowing you to step into the depth of your Being at all times and in any situation. Based on the sacred teachings immortalized in Patañjali's Yoga Sutras, Silence Meditation allows practitioners to learn to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and establish themselves in "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7).

Silence Meditation takes its practitioners beyond the breath, body points, symbols, or any other focus points to discover what lies beyond it all. Embracing their physical reality while practicing their spirituality, Silence meditators learn to lift the veil of Maya (illusion) to see the Truth of who and What they are.

About Rev. Jean-Marie

Rev. Jean-Marie began his meditative journey at age nine, out of necessity and without any formal guidance. Over the years, he studied various meditation practices from different parts around the world and learned more about their differences in focus and outcomes. Combined with his studies and practices of world religions during his teenage and early adulthood years, Jean-Marie became more familiar with the various Teachings that lie underneath many practices and how they relate to our spiritual development toward learning more about the Truth of who and What we are.

In his mid-twenties, Jean-Marie formally studied under a Maharishi and became a teacher of meditation practices and metaphysical Teachings. After the passing of his Maharishi, Jean-Marie continued to teach and further develop Silence Meditation into what it is today—an easy-to-learn meditation practice that allows for a ceaseless application in any circumstance to the point of integrating it entirely into every moment of one's life.

As a minister and licensed professional counselor (associate), Jean-Marie now teaching Silence Meditation to his congregants and clients alike. Over the years, he has taught thousands of students who have come to appreciate the power and versatility of Silence Meditation. No longer bound to time and space, Silence Meditation practitioners now meditate (pray) without ceasing around the world to establish the Peace that passes all understanding for us all.




Conscious Breathing Meditations