
with Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer, LUT

Join the daily pray-ins with Rev. Jean-Marie to discuss any given topic inspired by Unity’s Daily Word. Jean-Marie will elaborate on the Daily Word and share some insight related to Unity Teachings and how they may be applied in your daily lives. Each day is approach anew and provides a different perspective of life. Each topic offers an opportunity to reflect more deeply how a regular spiritual practice can help us navigate our world more kindly and compassionately.

Just like a daily devotional, the pray-ins are timeless and may offer different insights at different times. As an expression of a positive and progressive message, these pray-ins will inspire the Highest and most Good even in moments of darkness. The light never fades, and we will always remember to turn back toward it.

About Rev. Jean-Marie

Rev. Jean-Marie began his meditative journey at age nine, out of necessity and without any formal guidance. Over the years, he studied various meditation practices from different parts around the world and learned more about their differences in focus and outcomes. Combined with his studies and practices of world religions during his teenage and early adulthood years, Jean-Marie became more familiar with the various Teachings that lie underneath many practices and how they relate to our spiritual development toward learning more about the Truth of who and What we are.

In his mid-twenties, Jean-Marie formally studied under a Maharishi and became a teacher of meditation practices and metaphysical Teachings. After the passing of his Maharishi, Jean-Marie continued to teach and further develop Silence Meditation into what it is today—an easy-to-learn meditation practice that allows for a ceaseless application in any circumstance to the point of integrating it entirely into every moment of one's life.

As a minister and licensed professional counselor (associate), Jean-Marie now teaching Silence Meditation to his congregants and clients alike. Over the years, he has taught thousands of students who have come to appreciate the power and versatility of Silence Meditation. No longer bound to time and space, Silence Meditation practitioners now meditate (pray) without ceasing around the world to establish the Peace that passes all understanding for us all.


Silence Meditation