
Today’s Daily Word is “Prosperity.”

Denial & Affirmation: I surrender any sense of lack in my life and let it flow back into pure Abundance. I know that I am rich in heart, mind, and soul, and I prosper in the Awareness of my Divine Perfection.

Scripture: So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. —Mark 11:24

The simple instructions we are given in Mark 11:24 holds much Truth about Prosperity and how we are living in an abundant world. Unity’s affirmative prayer process is designed to ensure that we follow those instructions and make ours what already is. In the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, wrote:

In true prayer we take with us words of Truth, a statement of Truth, or an affirmation, and turn our attention within to the very center of our being, where the Father dwells. We affirm these words of Truth and meditate on them, then get very still and wait in the silence for God to make them real to us.

The key is to realize that we must believe in what we pray in order for it to see it fulfilled. Also, the asking is done with a strong sense of demand or request as if there was no doubt about its realization. Another word to use instead of “ask” is “claim.” We claim what we already know to be the Truth and therefore it is already ours.

Many struggle with the idea of praying for Prosperity because we often come from a sense of lack. We cannot see that we live in an abundant world and that lack can not ever be a Truth Reality. Yes, from our human perspective it sometimes look like that we don’t have enough. Yet, if we learn to come from our Divinity rather than humanity, we enter the realm of infinite Potential and Abundance. If asked or claimed from that Perspective we shift our Faith towards such Abundance and then realize that we have already received it, which does make it ours.

One more important point to understand is: Prosperity is not only about money. We can prosper in many ways, be it Love, Compassion, Strength, Wisdom. We often forget that money is only a small part of our lives and that sometimes the blessings come from a different direction than we would expect. This is why affirmative prayer, which focuses on Wholeness and what is beyond our current circumstances, is so effective when it comes to the realization of Spiritual Laws such as Prosperity. We need never lack of anything because we already are the Fulfillment of what we seek.

Maybe today you choose to look at your prayer practice around Prosperity. Where is your focus? Is it on lack or abundance? Shift your awareness to your Divine Self and come from the pure place of Abundance as you claim what is already yours. As you start to pray from that Perspective, notice how things are showing up in your life and how they resonate with your true Desires. Prosperity is your birthright. You must only claim for it to come into your realization.

And so it is. Amen.


Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer
Senior Minister Unity Fort Worth




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