Easter Sunday Service

Join us this Easter Sunday for a special service and egg hunt in the Peace Garden. We will celebrate our Christ within as we learn to let our Divinity rise through our own thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our music team has an exciting program prepared for you, including a special performance of our Unity Choir Ensemble. And, for the first time in a very long time if ever, we will take communion together after learning its meaning through Unity's metaphysical lens. 

Of course, your carnation with a personal affirmation awaits you. As does a moment of fellowship after service either in our fellowship hall or in our Peace Garden for our yearly egg hunt (this year with a special twist for all ages).


Sermon Notes

Main Scripture

“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” —John 11:25–26

Good Friday Affirmations

“I forgive and let go to embrace what is mine to do.”

“I choose my Life as I accept my Paradise.” 

“I am a perfect expression of Love, ready to share with others.”

“I am born and reborn to fully express my Life in this world.”

“I thirst for my own Potential to realize my Divinity.”

“I AM complete.”

I surrender my Self to the Goodness of All.”

Metaphysical Interpretations

from the Revealing Word (Charles Fillmore)

Bethany—wailing, lamentation, affliction; and signifies the demonstration over these conditions. Whenever we make a mental demonstration we get a certain result in mind and body. In Bethany Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, and thus overcame the sorrow, lamentation, and affliction of Mary and Martha.

mountain—an exalted state of mind where the divine plan may be perceived and unfolded; a state of spiritual realization.

Mount of Olives—The exalting of divine wisdom and love [compassion] in consciousness.

Jerusalem – “Habitation of peace." The spiritual center in consciousness. 

bread – Representative of universal substance. The substance of the omnipresent Christ body. Our daily bread is the sustenance for spirit, mind, and body.

wine – Symbolizes the vitality that forms the connecting link between soul and body. It represents an all-pervading, free essence that is generated from the nerve substance, or water of life. 

crucifixion – The crossing out in consciousness of errors that have become fixed states of mind; the surrender or death of the whole personality in order that the Christ Mind may be expressed in all its fullness.

resurrection – The restoring of mind and body to their original, undying state. This is accomplished by the realization that God is Spirit and that God created man with power like that which He Himself possesses. 


He Is Risen! Now What? (Part 1 of 2)


Good Friday Service