
Today’s Daily Word is “Peacemaker.” 

Denial & Affirmation: I kindly tame my busy mind and release what no longer serves me. I am at Peace as I realize my Divinity, and I make Peace through my actions in service. I am Christ as I am a Peacemaker. And so it is.

Scripture: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. —Matthew 5:9

In order to truly become a Peacemaker it takes a great understanding of what is to be made: Peace. We have discussed the true meaning of Peace before in our inspirations around inner Peace and Peace in general. To be a Peacemaker is a natural progression from being a novice to Peace towards mastery. All along this journey, we are developing our ability to bring Peace about our own lives and that of others without us recognizing we are already making Peace by learning to shift our focus from our tribulations and challenges to what is constant and true beyond all fluctuations.

As Peacemakers we are blessed because we understand a depth of Truth and Reality that is lost to many. We can hold the space of Love, Compassion, Comfort, and Peace for ourselves and others even if the circumstances would normally dictate otherwise. We transcend what is false for absolute Truth and we realize our kinship to God as Principle as we are called children of God.

A Peacemaker understands that the journey towards the goal is the goal of the journey. The blessing is in every moment that we remember who or what we are, when we bring about the Christ from within and radiant Peace out in the world. Nothing can stand in the way of true Peace, and as we make that Peace reality in our and everyone’s life, the world is recognized as already changed.

Maybe today you take a timeout for yourself and consider what it would mean to you to become a Peacemaker. Or, in other words, what would it be like to understand that you already are one—not just intellectually, but truly from the heart. How many would you touch with that kind of Understanding? How many would follow your model and transform themselves in what they have long lost hope for. Become aware and be at Peace—a Peacemaker for all.

And so it is. Amen.


Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer
Senior Minister Unity Fort Worth



