Happy New Year & Membership Renewal

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2022. We are excited to enter another year of opportunities to help us grow into the community we imagine to be, made up of the many beautiful individuals we are. May your desires for this year unfold in delightfully imaginative and uplifting ways.

White Stone Ceremony

Join us for our White Stone Ceremony tomorrow either in person or virtually. This ceremony is usually performed on the first Sunday of every year to support the receiving of a your "new name," which will serve as your spiritual focus for the year. For those coming in person, we will have a white stone and marker ready for you. For those joining us online, we recommend getting your own white (or other) stone and marker ready before service begins. It is a fun and meaningful ceremony to join in with your favorite community. Do not miss it.

Membership Renewal

Also, for our active members and those ready to reactivate their membership, this is also the time for renewing your membership as required by our bylaws. Every year, we all have the opportunity to revisit our commitment to Unity Fort Worth and formally express our desire to continue to partake as active members, which is done by filling out the form at the bottom of the following page: unityfortworth.org/membership

For those ready to be a member without having been before, the process to becoming a member is outlined on the same page. Feel free to review the process and join our community if you desire to do so.

The Power of Imagination

We have accomplished so much over the past couple of years, and we are still out to imgine even greater things ahead of us. Together, we are strong and committed to provide a rare but defining word of affirmative Love and Compassion for our world. Just like I shared in my End of Year Reflection, the words of Desmond Tutu continue to ring true: "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." We all are here to do our little bit of Goodness to overwhelm the world, and we will use our Power of Imagination to come up with new and exciting ways to fulfill a mission of overwhelming the world with our Love, Care, and Faith for and in each other.

Happy New Year,


Rev. Jean-Marie Schweizer
Senior Minister Unity Fort Worth


Mandatory Mask Wearing Lifted


It’s Finally Here: The UFW Merchandise Store